Suggestion and Offering Dialogue

Theme : Recruitment New Members of Extracurricular Program

Crystal  : hey hey! Tomorrow is the day where all extracurricular in our school are open for new members!!
Solar     : i know right? I’m so excited and nervous, which club shall i pick for tomorrow?
Valery   : how about volleyball? 
Crystal  : i don’t think she likes volleyball...but Hinata does
Hinata   : I love volleyball!! which is why i’m going to pick that club straight away! No hesitation!
Crystal  :’re short...
Hinata   : hey!

(Everybody laughs)

Solar      : hmmm volleyball seems fun but...i don’t think it’s a good idea...thanks for the suggestion though...
Hinata    : what about art? You love art right?
Solar      : there’s an art club? 
Hinata.   : yeah
Solar      : why didn’t you tell me?? i definitely going to pick that
Valery     : what about you, Crystal? Which club are you going to choose?
Crystal   : i choose the basketball club
Valery     : wow really?
Crystal   : because the leader of the club  offered me to be one of the members and i accepted it
Hinata    : oh cool
Solar      : man...i wish somebody gave me an offer like makes me feel really special
Hinata    : but you are special!!
Solar      : you’re too kind, Hinata...but thank you
Crystal   : Valery?
Valery     : i’m a little confused, i don’t even know what club to choose...
Solar      : if i were you, i’d choose science
Valery     : why?
Solar      : don’t you want to be a doctor? It’ll be a great opportunity for you
Valery     : oh yeah? should i go with science?
Hinata    : i mean it’s up to you but i suggested that you should pick science
Crystal   : plus there’s your crush there *giggle*
Valery     : *laugh* okay then i’ll go with science 
Hinata    : chase your dream, Valery
Crystal   : well guess it’s settled then, i hope you guys feel comfortable with the club that you picked because we’re going to stay in that club for a whole year or maybe 3 years!!
Hinata    : I’m absolutely okay with it!
Valery     : me too!
Solar      : same with me
Crystal   : alright guys, i have to go mom is waiting for me at home..see you guys tomorrow!!
Solar     : bye Crystal, be careful
Hinata   : yeah i think we should all go home, it’s pretty late
Valery    : oh yeah..then goodbye guys!!
Solar      : bye!!
Hinata   : see you all tomorrow!!


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